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March 2014
Comes in like a lion! Goes out like a lamb… or something like that. Wow! This has been a long harsh winter. Now I see that the Weather Channel now name storms. Not just hurricanes, but even normal winter snow storms. I must be getting old.

Sorry for being late with this month’s statements…a little behind due to a vacation.

Sunday starts daylight savings time. When trying to figure Zulu time, the reported Zulu time is only 4 hours in advance during daylight savings time.

Since the aircraft hours will pick up in the coming months, be sure to use top etiquette with our reservation system. If you are going to cancel a flight time, make the phone call that may let another member take to the sky.

A little bit of politics…I am sure all of us have heard much information of the hold up of the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. In my humble opinion, anything that can increase oil supplies to the refineries that produce AvGas I am in favor of. AvGas is, by far, the most expensive part of flying. Ten years ago the average price for AvGas was $2.37 per gallon.

Remember, when you encounter an aircraft squawk, please enter the problem on the log sheet. Then immediately call Tim Stark 517-780-0343 and report the problem so Tim can take some action. Then mark on the log sheet that Tim has been notified of the problem, so a subsequent pilot will not go through the same scenario.

Please keep the engine heaters plugged in as the night temperatures still get cold and morning starts can still be difficult.

Posted: admin
2014-03-01 00:00:00
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